Hearing is believed to be one of our most important senses – again looking at evolution and survival of the species – we could hear those predators coming at us before we saw them…
Scientists are understanding more and more the impact that sound and language have on our lives.
Hypnotherapists, who use their voices to help us heal, stress how careful they have to be in their use of language. When we are in a trance state it is believed that our brain may not process negatives. Think about what happens when you say, “Don’t sit!” to your dog. Ever wonder why he plops right down?
Perhaps when we are talking to each other we are always in a ‘trance state’…
An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas...
How do you ‘double check’ your verbal out-going messages? Computers have spell and grammar checks. What do you use?
For one day, or even one hour for those of us who are ‘focus challenged’, double check your communication. How?
Use your eyes:
Does the visual response you are getting match what you’d expect?
If it seems off, try re-stating – remember louder doesn’t do it!
And neither does repeating the same words…
“I’m not sure I communicated that well, what I meant to say was…”
“I think I gave you the wrong idea, what I meant was…”
Lots of variations on this theme – try your own and let us know the results!
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