Friday, March 22, 2013

SERIOUSLY SPEAKING – How do you Learn?

‘Learning Style’ is the individuals’ way of acquiring and assimilating information.  We all differ to some extent in how we learn.  This is not one size fits all!

The trick to learn about anything successfully is to identify your own style and then find and choose appropriate modalities that match how you learn.

We are all constantly learning – sometimes consciously (I want to learn X) and sometimes by accident (I didn’t even realize I was learning X).

Throughout our lives we are picking up data through our senses and processing it – and being the practical beings we are – we also  find ways – whether we are aware of it or not – to use this data!

An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas...


It’s fun to identify your own learning style. 

Choose from the following menu – mixing and matching is fine:

1)      Are you a researcher?  Do you hit the internet and explore sites to get information?

2)     Are you capable of doing this research while you talk to friends and listen to music?

3)     Do you need lots of quiet and lack of external stimulation as you learn?

4)     Do you acquire knowledge through written words?

5)     Do you need to hear what you are learning?

6)     Can you observe and then mimic perfectly as you internalize and assimilate new ideas?

7)     Do you need tactile input for your learning?

8)     Do you sequentially build one idea on top of another?

9)     Do you intuitively jump to new concepts…

All of this is learning and none is better than any other!


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