Thursday, May 23, 2013


She couldn’t figure out why her emails to her daughter-in-law weren’t getting answered…

He wondered why he kept getting into such ridiculous arguments and fights with his girlfriend…

They didn’t understand why their son was avoiding talking to them about anything important…

Although we don't often stop to think about it, unlike these people, most kids today are very aware of the need to shuttle between languages, cultures really, as they text with their friends, talk to their bosses, deal with teachers and school.

They glide pretty seamlessly between these different cultures – work, school, friends.  
They don’t complain - much - about the need to shift between these different realities and easily recognize that they have to communicate differently within each context.

What keeps the rest of us from getting this seemingly simple concept?

The email writer was taught a certain way to communicate and didn’t
want to ‘compromise’ her beliefs…

The boyfriend didn’t even realize that his girlfriend spoke a different ‘language’…

And those parents didn’t stop to understand the language their child was communicating in…

Really.  How many languages can you speak?

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