Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Our attitudes are made up of our beliefs about how things are and the feelings and emotions these beliefs create. 

Although there is a propensity to think that attitudes are relatively enduring, in reality we have the power to choose to re-adjust both our beliefs and the behaviors that we base on them!  (read more)

The early 1980’s brought us the Hank Williams Jr. country song “Attitude Adjustment” and while the methods are not what we support the phrase came into our vocabulary as a great reminder that it only takes a little shift to make a big change…
(read more) 

An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas...
Need an attitude adjustment?  

Too many external things we can’t change …
But we can re-set the dial on our

Make a list of the things that are causing you grief – include people, places and things.

Possible candidates:  rotten neighbor, rotten friend, rotten kid, rotten parent, sib, day, pain, job…

You get the drift.

Now next to each of these things jot down your attitude: 

This list might include:  anger, depression, despair, sadness…

Again, you get the drift.

Now, imagine that you can re-set that Attituda-meter.  Just turn the dial to a new position…

These might include: 
Compassion “poor dears can’t help themselves…”
“I’m rubber you’re glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks on you” (an interesting and early life version of a famous Feng Shui cure)…   
and then there’s always: “Whatever…”

The idea here is to step back from the emotional attachment to the external trigger and empower yourself by creating an emotional distance and sense of internal control.

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