Friday, November 30, 2018


What did you do wrong?  It has to be your fault, right?
Maybe… but maybe not!
Sometimes it really isn't over to you.
Sometimes, no matter how hard you try it's them… or it!
There's a reason mankind has, throughout time, reached for those externals - like the path of the stars or the tilt of the earths' axis - to explain things!
It's because nothing is as harsh - and actually as debilitating - as the whip of our own inner bullies!
When it all goes wrong it's important to shut down that inner bully voice.
Why?  Doesn't it help us keep on moving forward, getting things done?
On top of all the difficulties you may be dealing with, this harsh, critical voice is paralyzing and immobilizing!

DANCE WITH IT!   EXPERIENTIAL APPS                           
An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas…
When it all crashes down around you is the most crucial time to be kind to yourself!
Find a loving inner voice.  This one says:
'Hang in there!'
'We'll figure it out!'
Even that great one:
'One step at a time!'
If it's difficult for you to find this voice within yourself, think of someone whose compassion, kindness and intelligence you admire.  Now take on their persona and talk to yourself as if you were them.
What happens?

Thursday, November 29, 2018


Ever have one of those days where it all goes sideways?
Appointments cancel at the last minute… once you get there!
You can't find your cell phone - til you realize you're talking on it!
Nothing and no one, shows up where they are supposed to?
No one answers their phone… but you get 5 calls from those evil telemarketers!

Not to mention the really bad things!  And of course it all gets to you…
What do ya say?

You know the list right?

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

How many times in our lives is the 'runway too short' - but we persist in trying to come in for a landing anyway?
Instead of backing off and viewing the limitations of a situation (the runway) and making realistic plans, we often just keep trying.
There are many sayings in our cultures that applaud persistence:
'Fake it 'til you make it'
'Try, try again'
We've all heard them and probably been influenced by the hype!
Why 'hype'?
Because, for us, like the hawk in yesterday's post, taking a realistic scan and re-grouping can save our feathers!

DANCE WITH IT!   EXPERIENTIAL APPS                           
An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas…

Think about some of the times when you persisted unrealistically instead of stepping back and analyzing the situation, and either giving up or finding a new strategy.
Check out your interactions with others:
Do you say:  'If I just try hard enough, talk loud enough, they'll hear me and understand…
How about trying to reach diet, weight or exercise goals?
How often have you put yourself through the same plan, crashed, and then figured you just had to try harder?

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


I watched a red tail hawk try to come in for a landing on my terrace…

He was hungrily eye-balling my plump flock of doves…
This is his second sad attempt.
I have to admire his persistence but if the sucker crashes into the wall I am going to be so angry!
I hate the thought of all that beauty smushed!

Let's face it the runway is just too short.
What do ya say?  Can you relate?

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


How many times today - yesterday - even the day before - did you pat yourself on the shoulder and say 'yea!'?
Okay, so the day wasn't perfect and there were a lot of things on that list of yours that didn't get crossed off…
And maybe all your interactions with other humans weren't exactly perfect…
It's really easy to pick it apart, isn't it?

How many times did you smile at what you did manage?

What do ya say? You realize why this is important, right?

Friday, November 9, 2018


Let's face it, it's easier to say 'people don't like me because of who I am' (totally out of my hands), rather than saying, 'it's something I am doing that is causing this reaction', (in my hands).
Maybe I don't really care?
Maybe I am okay with the impact I am having?
Fine, but…
I need to call it like it is, acknowledging my choices and the repercussions they create…

DANCE WITH IT!   EXPERIENTIAL APPS                           
An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas…

Think about a few times recently when you felt like you were on the losing side of an interaction…
Now, for a moment, imagine that you do have power, and actually might be creating some of the reaction that you are getting.
Imagine that you just might be acting in a way that helps create this outcome and… that perhaps, just perhaps, the outcome is something you might have an investment in!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Ever think about the impact you have on others?
You know, how they react to you?

Ever wonder how much you confuse/conflate their responses with your output?

What do ya say?

How many times have you just assumed they don't like you because of who you are… and not because of how you act?

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Don't you just hate it when you work really hard to accomplish something - give it your all - and it goes sideways!?
So... what?
You try again, right?
Even harder!
And SPLAT! Nothing! 
Then you ask for help…
No dice there either!

What do ya say? You know what happens next, right?