Sunday, March 3, 2013


On my taxi ride home from work last night my Romanian driver sang me lullabies – in Romanian!  No I am not kidding.  (you can hear them too...)
New York City taxi drivers are amazing – one way or another…
Last week the taxi I had just put my groceries into took off without me!  As I stood gaping a second taxi cut cab #1 off at the pass. 

Driver #2 jumped out of his cab – blocking not only cab #1 but also all the other traffic zooming up First Avenue.

“What the hell are you doing?”  Number 2 roared at #1.  I missed a lot of the following dialog since it was shouted in several different languages all mushed together.

The final, “You moron!” was loud and clear.

Cabbie #2 rescued my groceries and backed down First Avenue skidding to a stop in front of me and accepting the cheers of the small crowd that had gathered with a happy grin.
See what I mean? 

Is this an amazing city or what?

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