Friday, March 29, 2013


Before the mass media existed our ideas of beauty were limited to our own communities. Today we are inundated with images that are foreign not only to our communities but to human beings!

If you have ever seen a model or movie star in their natural state you probably didn’t recognize them! 

The images we are brainwashed with are altered by bizarre procedures (sucking fat from one area of the body and injecting it into another…), air-brushed and photo shopped. 

Take a look at this link for a real wake-up call!   check it out 

Reality check, anyone? 

An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas...

Answer the following questions to look beyond the fake images and find your own beauty:


1)     A.   What don’t you like about your face? 

              Eyes  Nose  Mouth  Chin  Hairline  Eyebrows  Neck
B.     Who are you comparing yourself to?  How real is that image?

     2)     A.  What don’t you like about your body?
             Size  Weight  Shape  Legs  Butt  Arms  Torso
B.  Who are you comparing yourself to?

Now imagine that you are an artist asked to create a portrait of the person you see in your mirror.  As this famous artist you find your subject fascinating and wonderfully attractive. 
Take a minute to see this portrait developing before your eyes…  What does this artist see? 
Remember:  they have the gift of seeing beauty. 
Do they focus on your skin, your smile, the sparkle in your eyes? 
Do they appreciate the uniqueness that is your body – not a photo shopped image but a truly amazing structure that carries you through your daily life?
Allow your inner artist to train your eyes to see the real beauty in yourself and those around you!

Check out our new feature below:

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