Thursday, March 28, 2013


Have you noticed that all the models in the magazines – male and female – look like they are about age 16?

The other day I was in a fancy NYC department store and my eyes were drawn to a large glossy image above the cosmetic counter.

The make-up guy noticed me staring.

“Pretty, huh?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I said.  “She looks about 16…”

“Nope,” he replied.  “15 – and it’s not one she – it’s two!  They took the nose of one and the lips of another…”

I thought he was joking.

“Not on your life!” he assured me.  “I was there for the photo shoot…”

Is it only me or is there something really twisted here apart from the obvious cheating…

Why do we want to look like we did at 15?  Did you think you were beautiful at that age? Know anyone who did?

Maybe that’s it!  Are we looking for a chance to do a re-play?

Whoa!  Is that a scary thought or what?!

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