Sunday, November 25, 2012

Tell it like it is

Today I had lunch with Izzy, age 80 and our 70 year old friend, Jack.
“This food is delicious!” Izzy said, eating with great gusto.
“Slow down,” Jack admonished, “there’s always tomorrow.”
“Who knows,” Izzy answered with a grin, going for thirds…

We ended our lunch laughing as another friend at the table shared her story. 
“I was 79 years old and not feeling too well,” she told us.  “So I went to the doctor.”
“You’re an old lady,” he told me,” and old people slow down.  You can’t expect to feel good.”                                    

She paused a moment and her eyes glittered.  “I looked that doctor in the eye and said F*** you!  Then I found a new doctor.  Now I’m 80 and I feel better than ever!”    
You go guys!  What do ya say?  Have any good stories to share?

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  1. Doctor's are good -- but it's the alternative medicine that really heals.

  2. I love this story! I feel like doctors should never take any position but supporting their patients' well-being.
