Wednesday, November 7, 2012


In a story written in 1845, Edgar Allan Poe designated the little voice in us that chooses to go in exactly the ‘wrong’ direction – and gets us into trouble – as the 'Imp of the Perverse'.  more   

It’s a theme that runs throughout literature – think Shakespeare’s Macbeth – and seems to be a universal human impulse!

An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas...

Let’s face it – it feels like two characters in a power struggle, right?
“I want to!”  “No you can’t!”

How much of your energy do you think gets tied up in this push/pull?
How many times a day do you think these internal ‘voices’ go at it?

For the fun of it, imagine that you are directing a play with your two 'buddies'.
Here’s the script:

Voice 1 – The big bully – thinks s/he knows everything – actually is sure s/he does!
What does this character look like?  Sound like?  It’s your play – you write the script.

Voice 2 – The Rebel – absolutely refuses to listen to the Bully – sticks out its tongue – crosses its eyes – stomps its foot.
What does this one look like?  Sound like?

OK, now you have a two character script.  Let them start a dialogue with each other that goes beyond the first line.  Is there any way they can come to an accommodation?

The idea of this little experiment is to bring this internal dialog – that we all have – into conscious awareness – By playing with it – and laughing with it – we release some of our stuck energy and re-empower ourselves about the choices we make.

Dance with it and share your experiments with us!

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  1. I loved doing this! I don't know if it will make any difference in what I do - but it sure does make it all feel better - You should have seen the ugly face on my Bully - mean!

  2. I think that I should learn to "tame" The Rebel a bit better...but how to do it???maybe my insecurity derives from this constant struggle between The Bully and The Rebel...who should I trust?Is the Bully the rational part of my mind and the Rebel the irrational?!Who knows...!
