Wednesday, January 16, 2013


By the time we are 3 years old we have a pretty strong start on our beliefs about who we are.  With each year we paint on more layers of words, sayings, and mandates that shore up this internal picture.  We tend to make choices that strengthen these beliefs.

Where does the information come from?  Parents, siblings, teachers, friends, rivals, romantic interests, events – All this input creates the structure of belief that we carry into our future – a “who I am” that we sometimes forget was crafted by all these people and events… and that as something ‘man-made’ can also be changed!

An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas...

Having participated in building our identities, we can also actively re-construct parts of those beliefs that aren’t making us happy.

Did you know that the word Avatar originally came from Hinduism and referred to the descent of a deity to earth?  Imagine for a moment that you can create your own Avatar. 

This Avatar can be with you all the time – counterbalancing any of the destructive beliefs that you might have picked up over your lifetime. 

This alter ego would be 100% supportive, all powerful and all wise.  This Avatar is never a bully – and never allows you to feel like a victim...

So, like a sculptor or painter you are creating an image ... your image can be anything that embodies these traits for you:

What would your Avatar look like?  What color?  How big?  Where in your ‘energy field’ will you keep it?  Floating above you?  On your right shoulder?  Near your ear?  Ready to whisper those encouraging words?  Can you see its facial expression?

This is actually a very pragmatic tool.  We have all absorbed negative messages about who we are, so creating a positive counter-balance is certainly logical!

It is totally within your possibilities… Exciting?  Let us know what happens!

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1 comment:

  1. Ignorantly, when I thought about an "avatar" I used to associate this term with the bluish-green kind of animal of the famous movie "Avatar".
    Never thought I could create my own "Avatar"!!!
    So,let's do it!
    I depict mine as a tiny sort of "good conscience", supporting me all day long :-)
