Friday, October 26, 2012


Some of the “stars” whose names are part of the fabric of our lives
began their stories with failure:

Did you know that Bill Gates was a college dropout?  Walt Disney was told he had no talent and Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame didn’t make it till age 65!  J. K. Rowling was penniless, depressed and on welfare and is now one of the richest women in the world and it is said that Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before his light bulb finally worked!  check out more stories  

An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas...
Always wanted to try self hypnosis?  Here’s your chance!

Take a few deep breaths – close your eyes if you want – now let yourself drift backwards in time…

Remember your first bicycle ride?  Training wheels?  You balance on the seat.   It’s wobbly… But you do it!

Feel that excitement – Whoa!  And the first time without those extra wheels?  Was someone helping you balance?  Remember the sensation when you realized you were doing it on your own… Breathe deeply and let that exhilaration move throughout your entire body… You are flying!

Now take a mental snapshot of that moment…. Maybe the image comes with its own wonderful sound – Hear it?  Can you hum it?  Breathe it in!   Imagine putting a beautiful frame around this moment.

Now imagine putting that picture somewhere you can see it every day...  Hang onto that magic - it is always there – available to you – reminding you…

Dance with It and share your ride with us!

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  1. lovethispost too.andyes,i do remember losing my balanc problem is i still do.

  2. Thanks for the great laugh! At least you know it's not age related!

  3. thanks for the success stories. a good one is the harry potter lady its gonna be me.

  4. I really like that idea of accessing positive sensations as a way to remind myself to do something - like remembering how good it feels to finish a project as a way to to get started on the next one!

  5. I tried that thing with the bycycle - it's amazing that I could actually feel that 'whoosh' sensation in my gut - it made me catch my breath and smile...
