Wednesday, October 3, 2012


A fascinating idea and useful tool – a coup stick has a notch for each non-lethal strike.

My imaginary coup stick gets a new notch every time I:
          Get my rear to the gym no matter how long I stay!
          Manage to brush my teeth before I fall asleep
          Take those vitamins!
          Say ‘no’ whenever my heart desires!
          Stick my tongue out at those 16 year old models in Vogue
          Smile at the lady who looks back at me in the mirror
          Count my blessings instead of my losses

Let’s face it ladies if we’ve made it this far we have a lot of coup to count!

OK out there – share your favorite ‘strikes’!  What do ya say, ladies?  Let’s hear from you!

(To comment: click on "comments" - write in the box, then go to "comment as" and choose how you want to sign in, then click publish)


  1. Find a passion that I wake up to that will drive me each and every day for the rest of my life!
    -Terry 58 y.o. male

  2. Here are some of mine:

    1. Submit for an audition
    2. Take the subway even when I'm dying to hop in a cab
    3. Floss
    4. Read 20 pages of a tough book (like Gravity's Rainbow)
    5. Try again after failing at something


  3. Everytime I consider who I like,and not who likes me.

    Don't care anymore who likes me. just who I like.

    Get to work on my book.

    lots of stuff thanks for reminding me.

  4. Thankis to all of you for sharing your coups! You guys are inspiring - and that's what it's all about, right?

  5. My best coup is each time I tell that mean, critical bully voice in my head - to back off!

    1. I like this one. Hope you don't mind if I share your coup!! Other coups: Not being the nice person if I don't feel nice, walking 5 days a week, Washing my face and moisturizing before I go to bed, and being true to myself.

  6. I've been reading what you all have written each nite before going to bed - it's like one of those incantations (?) no, no...rats I can't remember what they call them... But thanks!
