Tuesday, October 16, 2012


As I was waking up this morning, I saw the outlines of a birthday card highlighted on the ceiling:

          HAVE A NICE DAY!

Was it really there?  Of course not!  Not surprising since it’s not my birthday – but it sure made me smile and got my day off to a great start?

What do ya think?  Have any good hallucinations to share?

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  1. funny yeah birthdays are fun. good hallucination/
    but thing about birthdays is not to take them seriously i.e. age with them just another day, cept cake and fun and friends...oh well...
    tryin to think no, not recently haven't had much
    time for fantasy, hallucinations and the like. but as i have em ill let u know.

  2. I notice that the moment between waking and sleeping is often -- weird! What is going on?
