Tuesday, February 5, 2013


She said:  “He wants everything his way!  Why did he bother getting involved with me if he didn’t want to listen to me?”

Really good question, right?

He said:  “I can’t believe some of the really dumb things she does!  Why is she with me if she doesn’t want to listen to what I say?”
This is one of those perfect ‘win/lose’ set ups, isn’t it?

Unfortunately, ‘win/lose’ always turns into ‘lose/lose’!

Do you really think if one of them “wins” the other is not going to get them back? 

Sooner or later… KABOOM!

Sound familiar?  We seem to play this out with parents, siblings and friends. 

How do you think we got caught in this one-sided equation?

Whatever happened to sharing?

Any ideas?

Tomorrow:  Winning!

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1 comment:

  1. In my experience, unfortunately, I think this sort of fighting, this sort of harboring of animosity, this sort of "zero sum game" can be like a drug: it can act like anesthesia from other problems in the world, problems that, at least in my case, seem even more difficult to deal with. I find when I engage in this sort of grudge holding, or acting out, it is so all consuming I sort of give my self a pass from dealing with what is really bothering me. Excellent food for thought. Thank you.
