Tuesday, February 12, 2013


(With apologies to my anthropological friends…and close evolutionary relations…)
There’s this lady on Safari in deepest Africa who gets kidnapped by a wild gorilla.  The gorilla takes her off to his nest in the trees.  He brutalizes her and keeps her prisoner.  She suffers terribly. 
Finally she’s rescued and returns to her home weak and bedraggled.  A month later, when she’s recovered enough to receive visitors her best friend comes to see her.
“My God it must have been terrible,” she sympathizes.  “You look like hell.  How are you doing?”
“What can I tell you,” our heroine replies.
“He doesn’t write, he doesn’t call…”
What do ya say?  Been there?  Done that?
Care to share your best gorilla stories?  Let’s hear from you!
Disclaimer:  In today’s story the villain happens to be a male gorilla, but hey, as we all know, bad behavior is unisex!

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  1. When I wake up and realize what kind of relationship I am in I often have asked myself, "How did I get here??" and "how do I get out!" Any suggestions?

  2. Great question! Check out this afternoon's Seriously Speaking and Dance with it. Let us know if it helps!
