The kindness of strangers – Part II
I heard a loud commotion across the street. An elderly man, using one of those white canes, was getting into a heated argument with the young woman who works in the bakery.
He was yelling at her and waving his cane. She was starting to get that frozen chipmunk look on her face (maybe I mean deer, you know, in the headlights?)
Carol to the rescue! I tied my Super Girl cape on and trotted across the street. After all, I’m supposed to be good at things like this, right?
He was ranting (sorry, but he was…) about his fingernails and how he needed them cut.
“Look,” he shouted. “See how bad they are,” he demanded, waving those nails a little too close for comfort.
“Sir,” I suggested, I thought kindly… “How about we go inside and I buy you a cup of coffee?”
“No!” he shouted, becoming more and more agitated. “Why are people always trying to buy me coffee? Do you think I can drink coffee all day? What’s wrong with you!?”
Okay, at this point I thought that last question was pretty astute…
“Listen,” I tried again. “How about if I give you some money and maybe you can find someplace to get your nails cut?” Yes, I admit I was giving up and passing the problem on to someone else…
I took out a $20 bill and handed it to him – or tried to… The bill somehow got fumbled and fell to the sidewalk…
He looked at me in disgust.
“What’s wrong with you!? He shouted again loud enough for everyone on the street to turn around and stare. He grabbed the $20 and stomped off down the street shaking his head, muttering about how stupid some people were…
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