Tuesday, December 24, 2013


"Diciembre es un mes bastante raro, pues uno revisa lo hecho, planifica el próximo año, se recuerda cosas del pasado, es un mes familiar y sobre todo nos ponemos muy sentimentales."   
with thanks to my friend Mario in El Salvador

"December is a very unusual month...  
It is a time when we automatically focus on what we've done during the past year and plan for the future... 
As we remember the past and think about friends and family, we often experience nostalgia and unexpected depths of emotion."

"In the northern hemisphere, the December solstice occurs during the coldest season of the year... 
Although winter was regarded as the season of dormancy, darkness and cold, the coming of lighter days after the winter solstice brought on a more festive mood. To many people, this return of the light was a reason to celebrate that nature’s cycle was continuing.
In modern times Christians all over the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas, which falls on December 25. However, it is believed that this date was chosen to offset pagan celebrations of Saturnalia.
Some believe that celebrating the birth of the “true light of the world” was set in synchronization with the December solstice because from that point onwards, the days began to have more daylight in the northern hemisphere."  read more

What do ya think?  
What does December mean to you?

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