Sunday, April 28, 2013


Today O.L.D. reached 6404 hits!  WHOA!

Thank you all for being here!

If you’d like more input about topics, design or anything else, we’d love to hear from you! 

We’ve been both delighted and surprised at who our readers are:  50% of you are female, as expected… but the other 50% are male!  Way to go guys! 

And our second surprise was the high number of people actually UNDER THE AGE OF 40!  Again, about half of you…

Because we want to make sure that we are staying responsive to what you need, today we are including one of those ‘monkey surveys’ to give you an easy way to let us know what you want and what you think!

(to take survey click here!)

Please join in on the fun!

As always, to add your comments to the Blog, click on the word "comments" below - write in the box, then go to "comment as" and choose how you want to sign in, then click publish. Check back for replies to your comments!

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