As social animals, humans thrive on shared laughter and the ability to commiserate about life’s changes.
In yesterday’s post we asked, “And just how long can you stand on your head?” Check out the following (slightly edited) from – If this doesn’t crack you up …
“Standing on your head is one of 2 or 3 excellent ways to resolve 'restless leg syndrome'.
Remain on your head long enough to 'feel' the blood drain out of your feet and ankles. Pooled blood from standing and sitting all day is heavy and sludgy. Therefore when you sleep your legs are literally "hot, heavy and restless". And in their attempt to cool down and circulate properly, they, by force of nature, kick.
Standing on your head also turns your organs upside down which can relieve pockets of compressed tissue; which may improve digestion and congested flow of chemical processes... “
An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas...
Remember all the times in your life when you looked in the mirror and felt critical about what you saw?
Pre –adolescent pudge, adolescent pimples, the first wrinkle, a grey hair…
Imagine that instead of harping on yourself you could take the wisdom acquired through years of suffering and instead apply the following three simple rules:
1.) You’re fine flaws and all!
2.) You’ll never be perfect, so get over it!
3.) F*** ‘em if they can’t take a joke!
What do ya think? Can you get with the ‘revised’ program? We’d love to hear what happens!
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