Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Perception is the awareness of cues in our environment that allow us to make decisions and choices.

This organization of sensory information is modified by learning, memory and interpretation. 

While some of us suffer from faulty input, it is often the interpretation of cues that gets us into trouble!

An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas...

We often pick up the correct cues from our environment but then ‘smudge’ them…

The ingredients of this fogging of reality are:

Parental and societal mandates:
            Be nice
            Grow up
            Don’t be pushy
            Dress, act appropriate to your age
            Don’t be vain (think you are attractive)

These often lead to our Belief Systems:
           This is how it should be (therefore I will see it this way)
People should be nice (therefore I will automatically erase ‘not nice’ acts – my own and other peoples from my perception.)

Clues that you are ‘smudging’:
            Feeling like something is off
            Not understanding why you are getting certain responses

To ‘smudge proof’ your life:
Create a take-along impartial Witness. 

To be really effective spend a moment giving this ally a face and voice.

Let your Witness give you non-judgmental, but clear feedback in any situations where you feel confusion or shock at the reactions you are getting.

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