Friday, April 26, 2013


What determines how we react to offers of assistance? 

In our culture help is often looked upon as charity to the needy – and we have a difficult time with ‘needy’! 
In a small child it is considered appropriate but as we get older it is connected to being a problem.

We shake our heads as we proclaim: “She/he is so needy!”

An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas...    

As an experiment for one day – one week – or only in your fantasy – imagine that every offer of assistance is a well earned gift.

Well earned is important because it empowers us to feel that we deserve assistance – rather than seeing it as ‘charity’.

Now imagine taking it one step further and actually asking for help in a situation that you would normally do by yourself.

What happens as you do this? 

How do you feel and what are you feeling about the person who you asked for help?

How do they respond?

Now imagine beaming light on your helper as a means of acknowledging the gift. 
How does this make you feel?

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