Friday, February 27, 2015


We all have a really difficult time with that feeling of being taken by surprise by someone else's behavior - shocked that we didn't see it coming.

Good poker players pay attention to 'tells' - those little behavioral give-aways that predict an opponent's next move.

In our interactions with others there are also 'tells' and the better we get at reading them the less we feel thrown off our own game.

Often we erase our observation of these predictive signs of behavior because we don't want to face an unpleasant reality, but seeing it like it is  - or, most likely, is going to be - is actually a healthy way of dealing with the world - and it's always possible that we will be pleasantly surprised if our read is wrong!

An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas...

In reality we all have the ability to read others pretty well - sometimes we just need a little refresher course…

Think about the behaviors that you see in the people around you that tend to be repetitive and predictive of their behavior…

Imagine that you are a detective on a case and looking for clues… without realizing it, you probably have a pretty good skill set just by the virtue of time spent around others and observation…

(The famous Miss Marple from the Agatha Cristi mysteries always figured it out - and claimed that it was just a matter of paying attention to behavior that she'd seen before…)

Here's a list of some well known 'tells':

Changes in breathing
Facial expressions
Tone of voice
Nervous tics
Lip pursing
Shift in gaze

These 'tells' clue you to the fact that something is going on - paying attention to what happens next and then seeing and accepting the pattern - makes life easier!

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