Frustration, an emotional response to opposition, is related to anger and disappointment.
It is important not to turn frustration – an energy that like all other forms of anger requires an outward release – onto yourself.
It is also important to respond in a healthy, appropriate way – not passive-aggressively and not overly aggressive.
An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas...
How to deal with frustration – Let the punishment fit the crime!
With frustration there is always something you can do:
First, be aware! Acknowledge that you are angry and annoyed.
Second, release the energy so that you are not turning it on yourself.
Check out your stomach, shoulders, neck. How’s your breathing?
Tightness and shallow breathing are all signs that you are internalizing anger!
1) Breathe deeply.
2) Scream into a pillow. (pillows muffle
sound – a great kindness to neighbors.)
3) Imagine doing something outrageous to the perp.
4) Do something creative
with the energy – write, draw, sing a mean song…
5) NOW FIX IT! Things that frustrate
us usually have a solution. Think
outside that infamous box.
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