Friday, May 10, 2013


What is depression?  It is often defined as a state of despondency and dejection with feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy.

Obviously in our “Little Things Mean A Lot” we are not talking about Clinical Depression that needs medical intervention, but rather the everyday feelings that we often label depression.

While depression is most often identified with sadness, another, and very useful way to look at it is as the pushing down, or suppression of anger…

An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas...    

Think about the little things that “get you down”.

As an wxperiment make a list using this formula:
          “I get down when_____________”

Next change each of those statements using a new formula:
          “I get angry when_____________”

Now going through your list one more time, imagine doing something to release the anger connected to each statement.

No, you cannot throw the scale out the window… You can, however, imagine doing it!

You can yell, stomp, have imaginary, seriously rude, dialogs with anyone and everything, releasing and expressing that anger.

You know you’ve completed the assignment satisfactorily when you start to laugh or yawn… We are looking for release and these are both good indicators.

Once you release the blocked anger – in a healthy way – your energy moves more freely.  Now you can breathe deeply and take the necessary steps toward resolving whatever “little thing” is bothering you!

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