Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Throughout our lives we need to expect and be ready for changes.
Transitions are very challenging for most of us humans and the shifts in our situations that occur as we age are particularly demanding.
Those of us who expect change and embrace it as a means to exercise our creativity can continue to thrive through the years.
Wanting things to remain the same is understandable.  Thinking they will is a recipe for disaster!

An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas...

Think back over times in your life when things changed and you needed to re-assess.  Where do you place yourself on our “Flex Chart”?

When life throws hardballs I :
1)       get knocked over and cry a lot
2)       hold my breath and hope they won’t hit me
3)       feel shocked and wonder how it happened
4)       tell everyone that it’s not fair
5)       look for excuses
6)       find someone to blame
7)       duck
8)       catch those balls even if it breaks my arm
9)       get angry and look for someone or something to throw them back at
10)   expect them, see them coming and wear an appropriately padded mitt

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this one!
 (To comment: click on "comments" - write in the box, then go to "comment as" and choose how you want to sign in, then click publish)


  1. I find that where I place on the "Flex Chart" has a lot to do with where I am in life... If I'm ready or strong enough to "let go"... I've ducked, I've made excuses, I don't mind saying I've gotten knocked over (with my share of black eyes to prove it), but, also, I've caught a bunch of those suckers, even if they have broken my arm! But, you know what they say about sticks and stones...

  2. I had some unexpected new recently. My kitten, who I adopted off the street about a month ago, is going to have kittens of her own!

    I think I'd rank my reaction as a 10 on the scale, as I had read some stories about this type of thing happening with adopted cats and felt somewhat prepared. Of course, there is no such thing as being fully prepared, and there were lots of changes that needed to be made to get ready for the new kittens.

    I'm not always so prepared for surprises. I think I can probably cite an anecdote for each other reaction on the chart!
