Wednesday, October 31, 2018


When things are really dark it is easy for us to feel discouraged and want to give up.
Part of the reason for this feeling of impotence is that we look at the big picture and feel helpless to tackle it.
What allows us to break the spell of helplessness is to play to our own strengths…
Are you a one-on-one person?
Help one person.
Are you a group person?
Join and work through a group.
Are you a writer?  An artist?  A singer of songs?  A teller of jokes?
Find your métier.  Go with your skill set.
Let your contribution be small.  It's okay as long as you feel it and do it!

DANCE WITH IT!   EXPERIENTIAL APPS                           
An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas…

Where did you get the idea that unless it's big and dramatic it doesn't count?
Think about who gave you these messages?
Now imagine talking to them and informing them they were wrong!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


These days this is a constant refrain … right after "I am so stressed!" 
"I feel so helpless."
In Judaism there is a strong belief in the obligation we each have to help in the process of Tikkun Olam, or healing the world.
What can you do?
Perhaps you can make one person feel better today?

What do ya say?
You understand the concept, right?
Even one act of kindness helps to heal ourselves and our world.

Friday, October 26, 2018


Why is saying 'no' so challenging?
Think about it.
Life is easier for parents and teachers when kids are compliant and say 'yes'.
Pretty understandable.
Children hear 'be nice' on a regular basis.
Unfortunately, nice and compliant don't always make sense when we're all grown up…
So, we learn to say 'yes' and seem accommodating - that good old 'go along to get along' behavior.
There are times we really don't want to go along.
We've developed this pattern of pretending to agree but actually throwing a spanner into the works. 
It's our way of saying: "You can't make me do what I don't want to!" 
and, even better... 
"You can't really hold me accountable!"

DANCE WITH IT!   EXPERIENTIAL APPS                           
An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas…

Tune into your own passive aggressive behavior.
Make a mental list of the times you say 'yes' when you really want to say 'no'.
What usually happens?
Interesting, right?

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Saying yes when you mean no… and doing 'no'.
Showing up late because… you didn't want to be there in the first place.
Forgetting birthdays because you resent the assumption that you shouldn't…

What do ya say?
Sound familiar?

Know what it's called?

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


There is a big difference between persistence and obstinacy.
Persistence is connected to forward momentum and can have an element of flexibility.
Obstinacy is blocked energy.
If you feel like you are knocking your head against a wall, that's obstinacy.
Determination is about keeping a goal in sight - aiming for a result - but having the ability to review and change the method as needed!

DANCE WITH IT!   EXPERIENTIAL APPS                           
An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas…

Think about some of your goals, especially the ones that you find challenging. 
How do you go about trying to achieve your objective?
Do you keep doing the same things and feel discouraged when you don't accomplish that goal?
Do you fault yourself for the lack of success?
Do you fault others?
Get angry?

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


"He said I was very 'deter-mined'," she told me grinning.
"You know," she explained, "no matter what happens I don't give up!"

"I fall and crash, I fail, but I just keep retreading…"
"Some people think I'm nuts," she continued.
"But seriously, I enjoy the challenge… and besides, what's the alternative?"

What do ya say?  Is this you?

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


I went to a restaurant to meet some friends.
We had a 6pm reservation… I thought.
They weren't there and there was no reservation.
We are talking super responsible people.  
In all the years I've known them this NEVER happened!
Did I feel like I screwed up?  Guilty? 

More like I dropped into an alternate reality - maybe a wacky Star Wars movie set…

What do ya say?
You get the concept, right?

Friday, October 12, 2018


Remember yesterday's question? 
Did you know the answer?
The magic of prayer, mantra and visualization, along with whatever else you may believe, is that they all help us to focus our amazing brain power, our complex neurological center.
They create and highlight intention.

DANCE WITH IT!   EXPERIENTIAL APPS                           
An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas…

We can use the focused awareness that we tap into with prayer, mantra and visualization, to achieve our goals of wellness and healing.
Try this:
Think about a goal that you want to accomplish.
Find the mindful modality that suits you - remember a mantra or a traditional prayer from any belief system that works for you, can be a word or sound that you repeat until you feel it vibrate through your body.
Next, create a visual of your goal - be creative in your vision.
Finally, repeat your sound or words with that visual focus.
Experiment with this until you experience a shift - one of those 'ah ha' moments.
How do you feel?

Thursday, October 11, 2018


What's a prayer?
A mantra?
A visualization?

What do they all have in common?

What do ya say?
Do you know the answer?
Do you use it?

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Yesterday, a lady was removed from an airplane because she refused to fly without her emotional support squirrel…
Although we rarely talk about politics here, the increased level of stress since the Presidential election has been remarkable, and many sessions seem to begin with references to the day's news.
Part of what makes it so difficult for people is the feeling that we can't do anything to fix or change the daily onslaught. 
We often find ourselves watching, like a deer caught in the headlights, to see what's coming at us now.
Chaos is not a productive or healthy state for most humans!

DANCE WITH IT!   EXPERIENTIAL APPS                           
An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas…

Create a quiet path.
Take time out from all the noise. 
Create laughter.
Have a taking care of yourself strategy.
Find beauty in nature and in your home.
Find safety with loved ones.


Tuesday, October 9, 2018


So, they are taking a squirrel census in Central Park here in New York City.

Sort of like they do with humans before elections.
Well, maybe not quite so many questions.
Squirrels don't really like to be pinned down…
Ever wonder where the expression 'squirrely' comes from?

What do ya say?

Think this might influence the November elections?