Wednesday, January 3, 2018


When things change in our lives - a move, a crisis, even an unexpected encounter- we can easily get thrown off center. 

If we don't re-calibrate and re-center, it's easy to walk around lopsided!

What does this mean emotionally?

Unfortunately, it's an open invitation to old, often destructive, coping behaviors!

DANCE WITH IT!   EXPERIENTIAL APPS                           
An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas…


Looking back over 2017 ask yourself what events might have caused you to lose your center.

Were there clues that might have helped you recognize the tilt?  Sometimes we feel it in our bodies, and sometimes the clue is actually our own changed behavior:  using old coping mechanisms which might include: over indulging in food or drink, withdrawing from others or becoming hyper.

Did you use any of these old behaviors to get through?
Were they actually harmful or healing?

Do you feel back in balance now?
If not, what can you do to re-center?

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