How much of your
day do you spend being thrown off balance by those little annoyances?
They do exist in
all of our lives - the car alarm down the street that goes off in the middle of
the night, the neighbor's dog that keeps barking, the stranger who doesn't
watch where he is going and bumps into you on the street…
We can take these
things personally as reflections of others attitude towards us, or we can roll
our eyes and shake them off staying focused on the things that really matter.
How much of your
day gets caught in those minor irritations?
An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas…
Here's an old tried,
but true trick:
Imagine that today
is the last day of your life…
You already know
where we are going with this, right?
How much time would you spend on that
barking dog?
How would this time limitation change
your focus?
Use your imagination
to get rid of the minor annoyances.
Imagine meting out punishment that
fits the 'crime'.
If you start laughing
you are released!
Have an imaginary dialog with the
violator. Be outrageous - this is
You can also do something
physical - non-toxic of course! Hit a
pillow, sing a song, yell in a safe place…
It's all about
releasing the energy connected to these truly minor, yet daily annoyances so
that they don't waste your time!