Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Remember getting gold stars in school when you were a kid?
Or an A+ on a term paper?

The idea was to reward children for completing a task - and completing it to the standard of the 'grading' adult…

An interesting concept and one we can certainly understand, but…

The take-away that we tend to grow up with is that nothing but 100% counts…

Can you see how this might be crippling?  How many times in real life do we hit that level?

What do we tell ourselves when we don't?

DANCE WITH IT!   EXPERIENTIAL APPS                           
An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas…


Think about what you have actually accomplished in the last week…

How much credit have you actually given yourself for what you did do instead of scolding yourself for what you didn't do?

Imagine creating your own 'coup stick'.  What would it look like?
Now imagine that you make a mark for each mini step you take…

How does this change your attitude towards getting things done and reaching your goals?

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