Thursday, September 11, 2014


I mean moderation, right?
Well, sort of…

I'm talking about moderating and modifying what you do as you - and your life - evolves.  Check out these two stories, both true…

An older woman, let's call her Granny, wasn't happy where she was living.  At her 89th birthday she announced that it was time for her to move.  She had heard of a place and wanted to go check it out… she did, she moved and she's been smiling ever since - a lot!

The second story is about a younger man who is suffering from some debilitating physical problems…
"I'll never be able to run again," this ex-jock laments… 
The moral of these stories?

You have to keep changing up your game... THINKING CHANGE - NOT LOSS!

Maybe you can't run like you used to - so walk!  
Walking still not an option?

No problem.  Practice deep breathing!

You get the idea, right?
This is the most potent anti-depressant going:


What do ya say?

Can you get your arms around this one?

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