Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Are you one of the highly sensitive people - a prince or princess according to Hans Christian Anderson - who can feel that pea under 20 mattresses?

In reality a pretty large percentage of us are -  perhaps 15 to 20% of the population!   

Some of us are sensitive to everything, others to one particular type of sensory input.  For instance haven't you known some people who are super sensitive to sound, or aromas or even strong visual stimuli?

We often find these people annoying because it's easy to think they're 'faking it' especially when we can't see, hear or smell what they can!

For a fun self-test check out "The highly sensitive person" web site.


An opportunity to experiment with some fun


To value your own 'royal' status

1)  Recognize that with heightened awareness you get to be a 'Royal' but, like in the fairy tale, you also may wake up black and blue…

2)  Decide how much you actually want to share … and with whom?  Remember many people won't understand gifts they themselves don't have, and might deal with their lack of understanding with ridicule or anger.

3)  Come up with a few stock phrases to 'dumb down' your sensitivity so others can get it.  For example:

"Everyone in my family is very sensitive to sound - it's genetic."

 "I come from a long line of perfumers which is why I'm so tuned in to aromas."

 "I grew up in a Zen monastery, so frenzied surroundings are out of my comfort    zone…" 

4)  In reality what you are doing is more for you than the other person - they might never get it but you are taking care of yourself by creating a clear boundary - you are saying:  "My ability is special and innate and if you can't get it, too bad for you!"

To deal with a 'Royal' friend or partner

1)  Remember we are not all the same - we all have attributes that are difficult for others to understand - you do too!

2)  Find the value in the other person's heightened awareness - recognize how it might actually enhance their life - and yours!  For instance, can they smell toxic odors before you do - and perhaps protect you from breathing something harmful?

3)  Instead of getting angry or demeaning, tell the other person how you feel, ie.:  "It is hard for me to understand how you can smell things that I can't smell so sometimes your reactions are confusing to me…"

4)  You can set boundaries too.  If the other person's sensitivity means there are things they don't want to do, create a time and place to do them with others - without being angry about it!

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