Thursday, January 17, 2013


"I DON’T GET IT," Ted complained.  “I am such a goal oriented person and yet I can’t seem to lose weight!  I put myself on a diet, it lasts for a week, maybe two – and boom!  I am done!  Oh, man it is sooo frustrating!”

Interesting, right?  And of course we’ve all been there with most long-term goals – and in those three little words is perhaps the answer…

What do you think of when you say ‘goal’?  Something very concrete – and let’s face it, pretty immediate, right?

So, Bill gets on his diet and each day checks in with how he’s doing – 2 or 3 pounds – no problem - 20 or 30… Yikes!

Our tolerance for super slow is super bad.  We are all part of now.  A year to reach a goal?  Puhleze!  The scale mocks us and we don’t see fast results in the gym… muscle mass… yeah, sure…                                                                                                                        

We are the gold star kids – and we ain’t getting any stars!   

So, how do we keep going to reach those long range goals? 

Any ideas to share?

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  1. One of the great lessons I learned from the principal of the school where I teach is that students respond MUCH more to positive guidance than admonishment. I see a huge difference when I give kids clear, achievable goals for their work. When the task is too large, they shut down.

    Reminds me of the Shel Silverstein poem:

    Melinda Mae

    Have you heard of tiny Melinda Mae,
    Who ate a monstrous whale?
    She thought she could,
    She said she would,
    So she started in right at the tail.

    And everyone said, "You're much too small,"
    But that didn't bother Melinda at all,
    She took little bites and she chewed very slow,
    Just like a little girl should...

    ...and eighty-nine years later she ate that whale
    Because she said she would!

  2. thanks for this 'whale of a poem' (sorrry couuldn't resist!) It's wonderful!

  3. and a special 'break a leg' to you with your auditions tomorrow!
