Tuesday, January 15, 2013


“I have a really bad memory!”  she told me.  “I am sooo nervous – I’m taking 4 tough courses this semester!  Help!”
Now, I want to tell you this was one very smart young women – Bi-lingual, very high scores on any tests she takes.  So, what’s this about?
Well, there was a period in her life when due to certain stresses she did have trouble remembering things…
How many times in our lives does a belief about ourselves get lodged and then dragged along behind us as if it were forever true?
OK, bloodsucking might be a little extreme, but these ‘attachments’ do drain our strength and potential…
Think about some of your own self-limiting definitions and when you added them to your ‘profile’.  They usually begin with: 
      “I can’t…”
      “I don’t…” 
      “I always..."

      “I never…”

What do ya say?  Have any barnacles you’re willing to scrape off?

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  1. Bright!!!!
    It perfeclty depicts me,and I think this definition fits most people we are surrounded by!
    These beliefs are really bloodsucking,as they drain our self-confidence!!
    Love it!

  2. I try not to buy it. but yes, people try it every day with a u can't etc....we mucst rise above thanks for reminding.

  3. In acting, I've found that most of my preconceptions about what I can't do are actually gateways to new and interesting ways to play. It's like entering the Forbidden Garden: you'd always told yourself you can't go there, so when you do, it's all the more exciting.

    I remember when I first started acting I thought I couldn't do any funny material, but when I actually gave it a shot, I had an enormous amount of fun.

    And on a related but very different note, I feel the same way about rollercoasters: very frightened until I push myself to give it a shot!
