It is believed that the celebration of the New Year started 4000 years ago as a pagan tradition, probably in Babylonia. It is considered the oldest holiday in recorded history although the date – December 31–January 1 – is relatively new.
Almost all cultures have rituals for ushering out the old year and bringing in the new. These traditions usually include recipes to release negative events and feelings and rituals to ensure good fortune for the new year.
An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas...
A traditon in Mexico is to make a list of the bad events from the previous year and burn it before midnight. A Spanish tradition is to eat 12 grapes - one with each stroke of the clock as it counts down to midnight. Some Chinese bang pots and pans outside their homes to ward off the lurking demons.
All of these rituals highlight our desire to start the new year with a clean slate.
Here’s a formula to create some of your own New Year's magic:
Step 1: Think about what made you unhappy this past year. Make a list including people and events. Write it on a piece of paper – maybe add some doodles, drawings, stickers, whatever helps you focus on these things. Once you are sure that your list is complete:
Step 2: Burn it, scribble on it, tear it up, turn it into confetti, throw it out the window, stomp on it! Enjoy the power of destroying your unhappy moments! This works best if you really let yourself get into it.
Now for the second part of this formula:
Step 1: Think about the moments – the people and things – that made you happy this past year. What made you laugh? Once again make a written list including all of these good moments that you can remember. Decorate your list – you could perhaps add gold stars? A lipstick kiss? Happy faces? Be creative.
Step 2: When your list of the past year’s good moments feels complete, think about what you might want to add to it for this coming year. Now, find a special place in your home to post it. On a mirror? On your computer desktop?
This is your wish list for the coming year and a reminder of what makes you glow.
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good remedy. will make a forest fire. oh, some new yorkers bang pots and pans too, i remember when i was a kid, in miami too guess they just dont have store bought noise makers..happy new year carol and think these remedies could work.