Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Because of the great emphasis our western culture puts on being on time, time becomes a very powerful tool.

We use it to signify our position and status and our emotions and feelings about others.

Our use of time can create a sense of power – or powerlessness.

An opportunity to experiment with some fun ideas...    

How can you be in charge of time?
Check out these simple steps:

First - Separate  emotion from function. 

Check out your feelings:

Are you late because you are angry?
Are you stalling because it’s something you don’t want to do, or someplace you don’t want to go?

If you say ‘yes’ to any of the above the next step is to decide if lateness is your best strategy to deal with that feeling.  Check out your other options.

Next - Once the emotional component is clear, go for function.

Reset your personal expectations:  No, you can not be in two places at once!
If you are almost always 10 or 15 or even 30 minutes late, you can re-calibrate your inner clock!

Try a little self-hypnosis:

Imagine that you are setting an old fashioned clock – the kind that has hands - to the correct time.  Look at the clock face and clearly see where the hands are.

Now, consciously, with great awareness and breathing deeply, re-set this clock by turning the hands back what ever amount of time you are usually late.

Feel the shift in the area of your solar plexus as you breathe and perform this very significant and judicious ‘surgery’.  You might need to do this several times until the time setting is exact.

You are taking a very important step in self empowerment by consciously re-setting your inner time system to function in a way that is good for you!

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