Monday, October 29, 2012



What actually is a hurricane?  It’s a type of severe tropical storm typically accompanied by thunderstorms and often a counterclockwise circulation of wind near the earth’s surface. 
The peak season for Atlantic hurricanes is mid-August to late October. 
Looks like we just made it under the wire with Sandy!


Ok, we’ve been inundated (forgive me!) with information for hurricane survival – zones, evacuation plans, landfall, emergency kits… Two of my favorites are:  Determine how and where to secure your boat!  And consider building a safe room… Right…

Following are some practical tips from our Blog Buddies:

 If you live outside of the evacuation zone:
1)     Make sure your bathrooms are clean!  You never know who might show up…
2)     Invite your friends first because your enemies who live in zone one are sure to call…
3)     Have a hurricane “Freezer Party”.  Invite everyone you owe a dinner – that food is going to thaw anyhow…

And a few inspirational suggestions:
4)     If you get jostled by a stranger in that crowded last minute run for supplies, think of them as a potential friend who is already driving you crazy!
5)     Stuck with a house full of rambunctious kids?  Remember grandchildren are God’s gifts for not killing your kids!
6)     Finally, once you and yours are safe and sound sit back and appreciate the majesty of nature!

What do ya think?  Please share your hurricane stories with us!

A special shout out to our friends in Southern New Jersey!  We are thinking of you!

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  1. thanks for the tips just read this now...i am katrina survivor and it was during that in florida that i realized how exciting a hurricane can be. mother nature sure can be a b____ sometimes...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. While they bring so much death and destruction, hurricanes can be pretty exciting. There's always something interesting about breaking the routines of life. On the one hand I wish we could have the whirling chaos of a storm without the threat of loss, but on the other hand, it may be that threat that makes things such a departure from the day-to-day.

    My roommate and I were actually very, very lucky during the storm, as our apartment was almost entirely unaffected. We kept power throughout, and we had no damage to speak of. My roommate made a huge pot of chili and we basically had a mini-vacation day. I do feel bad that we were so lucky while so many others lost their homes. Hopefully our efforts as a city, state, and nation will come together to help those affected.
